Annual Racing Membership

Top End Mud Racing

Annual Racing Membership

Mud Racing has been a hit in the Territory for 25+ years and we thank all of the competitors for keeping us entertained for the past few decades. If you are wanting to join as a competitor, you will need a membership and here is what you are entitled to with our annual racing membership:

Racing Membership REGISTRATION

If you would like to join as a competitor please complete the form below:

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Postal Address (of main account holder)

Next of Kin

Name of Next of Kin

Conditions of Membership
• By finalising this membership, you confirm that you have read and understood the TEMRA Constitution and the TEMRA Series Sporting and Technical Regulations. You agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by TEMRA and MSA. Refunds are at the discretion of the Executive Committee and not guaranteed. Please note that roll over memberships will not be offered.

Conditions of Membership:
Payment Method